Sunday, July 14, 2013

Meeting of the Waters

How apt that Saturday, July 13 included a trip to the meeting of the waters. This is where the black waters of the Rio Negro meet the brown waters of the Solimoes River. Apparently the differences in the two rivers keep the waters from merging for many miles, and the two colors remain distinct as they travel side by side. When they do finally mix, they become the Amazon River. What a perfect metaphor for two teams bringing their distinct gifts, talents, and interests together for a total of ten days of medical mission work on the Amazon.

Both Teams on the Bus to the Meeting of the Waters
As Team One wrapped up their time in Brazil, Team Two stepped into the action. Seems that one way to get your feet wet in Manaus is barefoot bowling. Almost 50 bowlers (that's 100 bare feet, 500 toes more or less) bowled their way into friendship Saturday night.
Ben, Sam, and Mignon Jump Right In

Thais, Ana Luiza, and Debra 

Ben, Sam and New Friends 


 From Barefoot Bowling to the Bug House. For those members of Team Two that missed the Bug House - not to worry. Read the last post. There are plenty of bugs ahead. All Aboard!

Another of God's Beautiful Creations Lands in Manaus!
 The boat received a new air conditioner; not sure of the status of the satellite dish that was demolished on Friday. Speaking of boats, this is a photo of the World Vision medical boat with a caiman skull atop. Not that we're competitive, but Don is having elk antlers shipped down asap.

For those on Team Two worried about the food, here is "The Last Breakfast" for Team One: chocolate cake (OK, that was cropped out) and maracuja pudding/cake (passion fruit).  Rumor is coffee is served at 7 a.m. Sounds like the crew of the medical boat is invested in the well being of the team.

 Stay tuned for photos, videos and posts from Team One as they make their way back to technology and begin to reminisce via blog posts about their experiences on the  Amazonas, the mighty river made of two waters coming together. 

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